Human Rights Magazine
Exploring inequality, abuse and oppression around the world, we hear from those directly involved in an issue, examine the structural context to find why rights abuse exists, and look for possible solutions.
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Human Rights Magazine
Low access to drinkable water for indigenous people in Mexico’s wettest region
Indigenous communities throughout the world usually take water directly from rivers, ponds, streams, wells or springs. This often requires people – mainly the women of the community - to carry the water from sources distant from their homes.
A recent report to the UN Human Rights Council stated that one of the biggest barriers to indigenous peoples’ access to water and sanitation is that many countries deny the very existence of their indigenous peoples, or just ignore them.
In this episode of Human Rights Magazine, and its companion article in the Upstream Journal, Ciara Balhi explores the situation in Chiapas, Mexico.
Human Rights Magazine is produced by The Upstream Journal magazine. The host, Derek MacCuish, is editor of both. If you agree that informed reporting on human rights and social justice issues is important, your support would be welcome. Please rate the podcast wherever you listen to it, and tell your friends about episodes that you find interesting. Why not consider making a financial contribution to help us cover costs? You are always welcome to email with your comments.